The 1st Finnish RAIN was arranged in three different locations: Southern Finland, Eastern Finland and online. The meetings took place in Southern Finland 13 June 2023, in Eastern Finland 22 August 2023 and online 5 September 2023. Organising RAIN meeting in two different physical locations and one online facilitated participation of participants from different regions in Finland, Southern Finland with more agricultural resources and Eastern Finland with more forestry resources. The events were held by Tanja Kähkönen and Michael den Herder from European Forest Institute.
In total, 13 RAIN stakeholders participated in the RAIN meeting in Southern Finland. In Eastern Finland the RAIN meeting was participated in by 16 RAIN stakeholders, and the online RAIN meeting had in total 5 participants.
The meetings focused on next steps of AF4EU, analyzing the various targets associated with the development of the AF Extension Services, the Business DSS and the Knowledge reservoir organized as a knowledge cloud, the MOOC and the alive handbook. At the end, a joint discussion of perspectives on agroforestry practices, technical solutions and management factors was conducted.
The on-site meetings were followed by field visits, for example, to the grazing site in the Nolyaka Nature Reserve (Marko Kakkonen, Saarila Farm Tourism).